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Crystal Tones & Crystal Moon Singing Bowls

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

I am very excited to now be stocking and selling the MOST BEAUtiFUL Crystal Tones Singing Bowls, which are imported direct from the USA.

They are made in Utah - and are the MOST exquisite crystal singing bowls that I believe are available anywhere!

Created heart-fully with the crystalline energies of the Earth, heated to temperatures that allow the transformation and transubstantiation of the individual elements to become a living crystalline bowl of light and crystal, which combines to create a unique energetic sound imprint for energy healing on multiple levels.

These Crystal light beings are profound and powerful emissaries of light. They also hold the unique crystalline energies that have been kept in the womb of the mother earth, until the right time came for our earth mother to bear her crystalline children.

This is the time - the time of our awakening to our crystalline heritage, and our kinship with these powerful earth crystals, gemstones, metals and precious minerals.

Our mother earth is calling us to reconnect with that crystalline part of us which has been nurtured and held within the safety of her belly - deep down in layers that were not accessible to, or opened up to us humans until now!

As these crystal beings are born, we are connecting with them individually and collectively.

Our Souls and our hearts are called to remember the time when we were able to seamlessly vibrate within the energetic field of these pure beings - and although we do not remember our connection to them on a conscious level, our whole 'being' recognises the call that these bowls herald to us.

They echo with the purest energies of our origins - reconnecting us to light and love. They have held our sacred estate for us - waiting for the time that we might be ready to reconnect with those higher vibrations - and let go of the negative energy patterns that we have accumulated through our personal karmic bonds, our ancestral patterns and epigenetic heritage and our current active anxieties, fears and traumas.

These crystal singing bowls reach us through the purest 'tones' that are able to penetrate deep within our bodies - moving through the tissue, bone and sinew. Moving through the dissonances that it is time for us to just 'let go of' - and bringing us back to the vibrations of love, trust, hope, light and ancient wisdom that our mother held sacred for us. Knowing that one day, we would be ready to return. To reconnect with our origins whilst simultaneously embodying the learnings of the lessons of our expansion into this stream of life, consciousness, and the eons of evolutionary expansion & contraction that occurs within the living breath of our own spiritual and evolutionary journeys.

The 'Tones' of each crystal singing bowl hold powerful energetic vibrations that will also carry the crystalline and alchemical properties of each crystal bowl through its integration into each healing or clearing session.

They can connect us to the sacred spaces that we are currently called to create - both for our selves and for others (if we are practitioners or therapists in the healing arts).

I am so pleased to be housing these beautiful and unique energy beings - whose role it is to carry us both backwards and forwards into our journeys of healing and unfolding.

I would be pleased to hear from anyone who feels profoundly called to work with these crystalline beings - and would like to arrange a meeting to view, or a practitioner led session.

Anyone who feels called to buy a bowl and to extend the work of the light emissary, will have the practitioner session charge refunded on purchase of their bowl at the end of that session. I will also be happy and blessed to support others on their journeys to work with and develop their skills and tools as a Crystal Singing Bowl Practitioner.

Lastly, Crystal Moon Essences will be created at important times, to carry and expand the energies of the crystal singing bowls out to others, who are keen to work with the crystal singing bowls energies, but wish to do so through the living crystal moon essences waters.

Stock of the "Crystal Tones Bespoke Essences" is changing with some being created upon request and others already created at certain times in the celestial calendar, and available to purchase through the Crystal Moon Essences page.

Further information on the bespoke essences is found HERE, but please do contact me if you have any personal, individual or unique requests or interests. Crystal Moon Sing Bowls Essences can be pre-ordered after discussion for your own needs.

Bespoke Crystal Tones Singing Bowls & Crystal Moon Essences are available with an audio file that is created to support your energetic entrainment and can be used with the essence, or separately to it. They are beautiful tonal pieces of music in their own right, as well as a powerful tool for healing and personal or spiritual change.

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